
The latest version of SEED2 can be used as a standalone application. To install SEED2, just extract the zipped folder which contains the program binary "Seed2.exe", libraries and several external tools as blast, fastphylo, fastq-join, mafft, MrBayes, ITSx, PhyML, vsearch and usearch. Be sure that there are no spaces or ambiguous symbols in the SEED directory path - otherwise it may affect functionality of some external programs. We recommend to cite also the original external tool when you are using specific function in the SEED.

Tutorials & example data

Fungal ITS amplicons
SEED2 tutorial for processing of fungal ITS amplicons (pdf)
fungal ITS2 example data (zip)
Reference database for fungal ITS classification based on UNITE release 10.0 2024-04-04 (all eukaryotes) only known genera with ecological assignment based on Põlme, S. et al. Fungal Diversity 105, 1–16 (2020). (zip)
Bacterial 16S amplicons
SEED2 tutorial for processing of bacterial 16S amplicons (pdf)
bacterial 16S example data (zip)
The most complete and up-to-date reference database for 16S (Bacteria and Archaea) based on SILVA 138.1 edited 2023-08-22 also includes mitochondria and chloroplasts (zip)
Small reference dataset for 16S (Bacteria and Archaea) based on RDP release 11.5 train 18 edited 2023-08-04 (zip)
Interactive workflow with resulted data
SEED2 tutorial for joining of multiple separated paired-end samples (pdf)
SEED2 tutorial for local BLAST reference database creation (pdf)
SEED2 tutorial for estimate Alpha diversity indices (pdf)

Youtube Video Tutorials

SEED2 youtube chanel
All videos


usearch (UPARSE)8.1.1861clustering and chimera check (32bit)Edgar R. C. (2013) UPARSE: highly accurate OTU sequences from microbial amplicon reads. Nature Methods, 10: 996.
vsearch2.4.3clustering (64bit)Rognes T., Flouri T., Nichols B., Quince C., Mahé F. (2016). VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics. PeerJ, 4, e2584.
mafft7.222sequence alignmentKatoh K, Asimenos G, Toh H. (2009) Multiple alignment of DNA sequences with MAFFT. In: Posada D. editor. Bioinformatics for DNA Sequence Analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology. New Jersey: Humana Press, pp. 39.
creation of local databases
fastq-join1.1.2joining two pair-end fastq readsAronesty E. (2011). ea-utils : "Command-line tools for processing biological sequencing data";
ITSx1.0.11Internal Transcribed Spacers extractionBengtsson-Palme J., Veldre V., Ryberg M., Hartmann M., Branco S., Wang Z., Godhe A., Bertrand Y., De Wit P., Sanchez M., Ebersberger I., Sanli K., de Souza F., Kristiansson E., Abarenkov K., Eriksson K. M., Nilsson R. H. (2013) ITSx: Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for use in environmental sequencing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4: 914-919.
PhyML20120412estimate phylogenies by maximum likelihood
MrBayes3.2.1performs Bayesian inference of phylogeny
0.9computing distance matrices
constructing neigbour-joining trees