Physiol. Res. 49: 363-368, 2000

Effects of Vitamin E and Prostaglandin E2 on Expression of CREB1 and CREB2 Proteins by Human T Lymphocytes

A. Valenti, I. Venza, M. Venza, V. Fimiani, D. Teti

Institute of General Pathology, Medical School, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Received May 10, 1999
Accepted November 5, 1999

Both prostaglandins (PGs) and vitamin E are known to deeply affect immune responses. It is shown here that they both influence T cell-mediated immunity through reciprocal interference on the expression of cyclic-AMP responsive element binding (CREB) family proteins. CREB1 protein of human T lymphocytes was significantly modulated by a brief treatment of 5 to 10 min with PGE2. On the contrary, vitamin E appeared to be ineffective on the CREB1 behavior, while it abolished the PGE2-induced modulation of this protein. The CREB2 protein expression was also affected by PGE2 treatment, but a longer period of incubation (>20 min) was needed to observe these changes. Vitamin E showed a strong enhancing effect on CREB2 that was partially reversed by the subsequent treatment with PGE2. Our results support the idea that there is reciprocal interference between PGE2 and vitamin E on PGE2-induced signals in T lymphocytes. These data are in agreement with the reports concerning different cell systems and experimental conditions.

Key words
T lymphocytes · vitamin E · PGE2 · CREB proteins

Reprint requests
Dr. Vincenzo Fimiani, Institute of General Pathology, Policlinico Universitario, Torre Biologica, I-98125 Messina, Italy.Fax: +39-90-2213341, e-mail:

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