Volume 50: 91-96, 2001


Biphasic Ventilatory Response to Hypoxia in Unanesthetized Rats


Institute of Pathological Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Center for Experimental Cardiovascular Research, Prague, Czech Republic

Received November 30, 1999
Accepted April 20, 2000

To determine the role of postinspiratory inspiratory activity of the diaphragm in the biphasic ventilatory response to hypoxia in unanesthetized rats, we examined diaphragmatic activity at its peak (DI), at the end of expiration (DE), and ventilation in adult unanesthetized rats during poikilocapnic hypoxia (10 % O2) sustained for 20 min. Hypoxia induced an initial increase in ventilation followed by a consistent decline. Tidal volume (VT), frequency of breathing (fR), DI and DE at first increased, then VT and DE decreased, while fR and DI remained enhanced. Phasic activation of the diaphragm (DI - DE) increased significantly at 10, 15 and 20 min of hypoxia. These results indicate that 1) the ventilatory response of unanesthetized rats to sustained hypoxia has a typical biphasic character and 2) the increased end-expiratory activity of the diaphragm limits its phasic inspiratory activation, but this increase cannot explain the secondary decline in tidal volume and ventilation.

Key words
Ventilation · Biphasic response to hypoxia · Diaphragmatic activity · Pattern of breathing

Reprint requests
H. Maxová, Institute of Pathological Physiology, Second Medical Faculty, Charles University, Plzeňská 221, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic, fax: 420 2 5721 0995, e-mail: martin.vizek@lfmotol.cuni.cz


© 2001 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences

ISSN 0862 - 8408

Issue 1