Physiol. Res. 51: 537-540, 2002


Hypercapnia Does Not Affect Functional Residual Capacity Enlargement Induced by Chronic Hypoxia


Institute of Pathological Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, and Center for Experimental Cardiovascular Research, Prague, Czech Republic

Received November 2, 2001
Accepted March 22, 2002

To determine whether changes in partial pressure of CO2 participate in mechanism enlarging the lung functional residual capacity (FRC) during chronic hypoxia, we measured FRC and ventilation in rats exposed either to poikilocapnic (group H, FIO2 0.1, FICO2 <0.01) or hypercapnic (group H+CO2, FIO2 0.1, FICO2 0.04-0.05) hypoxia for the three weeks and in the controls (group C) breathing air. At the end of exposure a body plethysmograph was used to measure ventilatory parameters (V´E, fR, VT) and FRC during air breathing and acute hypoxia (10 % O2 in N2). The exposure to hypoxia for three weeks increased FRC measured during air breathing in both experimental groups (H: 3.0±0.1 ml, H+CO2: 3.1±0.2 ml, C: 1.8±0.2 ml). During the following acute hypoxia, we observed a significant increase of FRC in the controls (3.2±0.2 ml) and in both experimental groups (H: 3.5±0.2 ml, H+CO2: 3.6±0.2 ml). Because chronic hypoxia combined with chronic hypercapnia and chronic poikilocapnic hypoxia induced the same increase of FRC, we conclude that hypercapnia did not participate in the FRC enlargement during chronic hypoxia.

Key words
Functional residual capacity · Chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia · Chronic hypoxia · Rat

Reprint requests
H. Maxová, Institute of Pathological Physiology, Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Plzeňská 221, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic, fax: +420 257210995, e-mail:

© 2002 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences

ISSN 0862 - 8408

Issue 5