Address Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Praha 4 - Krč, City bus connection: bus 138, 193, 203 (stop: Ústavy Akademie věd), GPS: 50.0172242N, 14.4658303E, Kalendář akcí


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Seminář Martin Estermann, Ph.D.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“The cell biology and molecular genetics of avian gonadal development” I am interested in investigating the regulatory mechanisms governing sex differentiation in avian species, with a specific focus on utilizing the chicken as a model organism. In the course of my presentation, I will explore the cellular foundations and molecular components dictating the development of…

BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar

Kinosal Vídeńská 1083, Praha, Česká republika

Topic: Spatial metabolomics Program:  

Seminář Maria Kuzmina, M.Sc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“HSCs in inflammation: go extramedullary or go home” Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a rare cell type residing in the bone marrow and giving rise to all hematopoietic cells. Despite their quiescence, HSCs respond to extracellular signals which regulate their fate. In this presentation, we will determine how of chronic inflammation affects HSC location and…

IEM CAS Institutional Seminar Series 02/2024

The role of miR-20a in the injured CNS Lecturer: Mgr. Ivan Arzhanov / Department of Neuroregeneration Annotation: Spinal cord injury (SCI) involves damage to any part of the spinal cord, leading to nervous cell death and disruption of conduction pathways. This damage results in the loss of motor and sensory function below the injury site, potentially causing paralysis and,…

Seminář Dr. rer. nat. Leoš Shivaya Valášek, DSc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Ribosomal A-site interactions with near-cognate tRNAs drive stop codon readthrough” Imagine a gene is a sentence starting with a capital letter and ending with a period, and a genome as a book telling an entire story. In some protozoans, extra periods infiltrated their sentences, replacing specific letters of arbitrary words (namely E and W). As…

Seminář Miroslav Stoyanov, M.Sc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“PPM1D activity promotes genome instability and cellular transformation” Protein phosphatase magnesium dependent 1 (PPM1D) is a negative regulator of the tumour suppressor p53 and is implicated in termination of DNA damage response. Increased PPM1D activity allows proliferation in the presence of DNA breaks caused by ionizing radiation or replication stress induced by expression of active…

Hodnocení výzkumu v Akademii věd ČR

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

Přednášející:  prof. Ing. Jiří Homola, CSc., DSc. Organizace přednášky byla projednána a schválena na schůzi Rady areálu dne 15.1.2024. Vzhledem k projednávanému tématu a v návaznosti na administraci procesu hodnocení, se přednáška bude konat pouze v českém jazyce.

Seminář Ing. Eliška Gáliková

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Knocking out spo11 in chicken arrests meiosis but does not prevent further development of germ cells” Knockout of the mouse spo11 prevents double-strand breaks and formation of synaptonemal complex during meiosis. As a result, the development of spermatocytes is arrested at zygotene and the arrested cells undergo apoptosis. Not so in the chicken. Here, although…

Den fyziologie a medicíny pro vysokoškoláky

Kinosal Vídeńská 1083, Praha, Česká republika

Studujete vysokou školu přírodovědeckého nebo medicínského zaměření? Připravili jsme pro vás speciální den otevřených dveří s nabídkou zajímavých témat pro vaši bakalářskou či magisterskou práci i témata pro studium PhD. Vědci z FGÚ vás s nimi seznámí v dopoledním bloku (prezenční i online formou) a odpoledne budete mít možnost nahlédnout přímo do jejich laboratoří. Celý program je v…

IEM CAS μLectures: Microscope objectives

μLectures is a new, monthly seminar series designed to enhance researchers’ understanding of the fundamental workings and principles of microscopy. Each session, lasting 30 minutes, will focus on a specific concept or topic within microscopy. The practical information presented aims to deepen researchers’ comprehension of their microscopy experiments, giving them better overview of the options available…

Seminář Prasoon Kumar Thakur, M.Sc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Splicing in the world of marine diplonemids” Recent surveys of marine biodiversity have revealed the abundance and diversity of planktonic diplonemids. By sequencing the genomes and transcriptomes of six marine diplonemids and performing comprehensive splice site analyses, we identified numerous non-canonical introns and mapped their common features, shedding light on the evolution of RNA splicing…