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BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar


BioCEV-Krč Methodological Seminar Topic: Campus Animal Facility 27. 5. 2024, start: 15:00 venue: Milan Hašek lecture hall, IMG CAS The Animal facility methodological seminar will include a series of presentations by representatives of individual institutions located on the campus. Each institution will briefly present its local or detached animal facility and the services it provides

Seminář Prof. Dominique Bonnet

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Dissecting the cross-talk between normal, leukaemic stem cells and the bone marrow microenvironment” Haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) sustain the life-long maintenance of mature blood cells. Over the last decade progress has been made in our understanding of the contribution of the different stroma cells in the regulation of normal HSCs. Our current knowledge is predominantly…

Seminář Subhadip Chakraborty, M.Sc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Understanding the mechanochemical transitions that underlie early embryo development” During embryogenesis a single fertilized oocyte develops into an adult organism via tightly controlled patterns of cell division, cell polarization and cell movements. These mechanical processes depend on the actomyosin cortex, a thin 2D layer that resides underneath the plasma membrane. Importantly, for normal development the…

IEM CAS Institutional Seminar Series 06/2024

Open Access Publishing & Green Open Access Lecturer: Arzuv Caryjeva, Ph.D. / Data Manager / Director's Secretariat Annotation: The Open Science requirements of project funders and available options and tools to satisfy these requirements will be introduced. Mainly, Open access publishing and the green route to ensure open access to Scientific articles will be discussed.…

IEM CAS μLectures Seminar Series: Digital Image Basics

μLectures is a monthly seminar series designed to enhance researchers’ understanding of microscopy’s fundamental workings and principles. Each session, lasting 30 minutes, focuses on a specific concept or topic within microscopy. The practical information presented aims to deepen researchers’ comprehension of their microscopy experiments, giving them a better overview of the options available and enabling…

Seminář Jiří Březina, M.Sc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“How antigens get distributed in the thymus” The presentation of self-antigens in the thymus by medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) and dendritic cells (DCs) is crucial for the establishment of central tolerance. While mTECs produce and present self-antigens in an autonomous manner, DCs acquire them from mTECs by cooperative antigen transfer (CAT). Although CAT represents…

Seminář Josef Novák, Ph.D.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Switch of ADP/ATP translocase isoforms in cellular senescence and malignancy” Four isoforms of human ATD/ADP translocators (ANTs) have poorly understood functional differences. Due to their high sequence similarity, antibody-based detection of these proteins is challenging. We, therefore, developed a sensitive proteomic method for detecting ATD/ADP translocator isoforms and their relative ratio. Using this technique, we observed…

Představení kandidáta na předsedu AV ČR pro funkční období 2025–2029 – Ing. Jiří Plešek, CSc.

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

Dne 24. 3. 2025 skončí druhé čtyřleté období ve funkci předsedkyně AV ČR prof. RNDr. Evě Zažímalové, CSc. Volba kandidáta na předsedu AV ČR pro následné funkční období proběhne na zasedání sněmu AV ČR dne 10. 12. 2024. Jedním z kandidátů na předsedu AV ČR je Ing. Jiří Plešek, CSc.

Seminář Prof. Dirk Schübeler

Posluchárna Milana Haška / Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Finding your place: Transcription factors as sensors and modifiers of chromatin” Transcription factors only bind a minority of their motifs in large mammalian genomes. One likely explanation is that many motifs are not accessible for binding due to the action of chromatin and DNA methylation. We are using mammalian stem cell models and their differentiation…