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Euro-BioImaging Image Data Community Days 2025

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Euro-BioImaging Image Data Community Days 2025

7 dubna - 11 dubna

Dear imaging users,

we would  like to inform you about the Image Data Community Days that will be happening from 7-11. April this year.

This free week-long online event will bring together Euro-BioImaging Node staff, researchers and other experts from around the world to explore and exchange on the latest advances in image data through a mix of workshops, lectures and interactive discussions.

The Euro-BioImaging Data Team is pleased to announce that as of now we have officially opened registrations for this event! Find out all about the event and the preliminary agenda here:


We are very much looking forward to your participation in the week!


Euro-BioImaging Data Team


7 dubna
11 dubna
Webová stránka: