
13th of January, 2025

Happy New Year to everyone – Peace on Earth above all! ☮️ We started 2025 with … indeed, grant reports, but also with this: ... awaited for a looooong time!🤝 Now, a short-lived joy and let’s move on! Soon another NSMB will be out (it is a real struggle to deal with their editorial office, constantly understaffed, it is No-Go for us for any future submissions to this journal 🙈), a Nature paper describing a new branch of the Integrated Stress Response pathway, to which Leos contributed to, will be most probably ‘accepted in principle’ any day now … cool 😃! Another collaborative paper with Jula Lukes and Zdenek Paris has just been submitted to PNAS, and another one with Marek Elias will be submitted to (most likely) NAR soon. With Christine Vogel, we are working on revisions of our start-stop (AUG-stop elements in the 5’ UTRs of mRNAs) paper for NAR, and a couple of other stories from our lab are shaping up into individual stories to be written up this year 💪. All in all, let’s wish that this year is a smooth ride through our research, as well as personal lives 🤘. I am very happy for sharing my life with you, guys! Thank you. 🙏 Leos


22st of November, 2024

Guess what? Zuzka’s and Petra’s Nature Structure & Molecular Biology paper has been accepted in principle after 17 super long months.🥳 Unbelievable! I mean, unbelievable that it took the editor over a year to just administer our manuscript. Everything was held up by one very negative reviewer, anonymous of course, some of whose comments were - based on cross-review by other reviewers - ridiculous and for whatever reason hostile, and who essentially took the position of the editor, with the real editor playing only the role of secretary... I consider this to be a major failure of the editor's job! 🙈 

Never mind, if this negative reviewer ever reads these lines, I encourage them to contact me, so that we can talk about anything they didn’t like. I’ll try to explain it to “you” and will listen to your thoughts, because “constructive criticism with a face” is much easier to deal with than "mean criticism" from someone steadfastly hiding in the darkness of anonymity. But all is well that ends well. After filing a complaint with the Editor-in-Chief of the entire Nature group, we got a new editor, who finally accepted it and apologized deeply for all the time lost. Chief Editor of NSMB also apologized profusely, and told us that she really liked our work very much, so she will highlight it with a News & Views commentary. 🤠 

All in all, big congratulations girls, to Zuzka for her fantastic work at the beginning and to Petra for her fantastic work at the end. The middle was in common! 😎🤙 

In addition to that, one more collaborative NSMB paper where Leos is a co-corresponding author was accepted in principle on the same day (led by Pasha Baranov and Gary Loughran)! 😇 A Communication Biology collaborative paper with a Japanese group of Takeshi Chujo was also published this month, and finally Anya’s Star Protocols paper was published just yesterday 🥳. So at the beginning of this month our thoughts were as dark as the sky over Prague🌧️, but now they are as full of sunshine as the sky over Prague. 🌞


1st of Oct, 2024

TITLE: A proloooonged weekend in the heart of western Šumava opened our hearts once and for all. 

ABSTRACT: People enjoy having fun. However, people have to go to work (almost) every day to work very hard, so that there is practically no time for socializing. What to do then? To fill this critical knowledge gap and examine the effect of being together day & night as a team for almost 3 days, we took advantage of our private road devices (so-called cars) and went to the western Šumava region near Kdyně - Penzion Pranty. We tested hiking, magic mushroom (Bedlas Jedlas) picking & frying, meat & vegan grilling, Indian cooking, overeating & overdrinking, singing, playing volleyball, ping-pong, billiard, swimming :) … simply explored how to have fun as a team. All activities scored positive on our pleasure scale with p < 0.000001. Truly, it was fun 😎. In detail, on Friday we peaked on Paradise and got drunk, on Saturday we hiked the highest peak of this region - Čerchov (a super steep and long and exhausting hike 🤪) and got drunk, and on Sunday we almost went horseback riding - instead we ended up in the pilgrimage church of St. Anna on Tanaberk and prayed. The whole weekend experience had a very sunny impact on our souls, not so sunny on our stomachs & heads, but that was overridden by colorful and tasty headache pills. And the fabulous Sunday weather too. 

Concluding remarks: The take home message of this common experiment is very straightforward: let’s do it again soon! 

Funding: Endless Universe 🙏.

Acknowledgments: To all who joined, as well as to all that did not (Endless Universe could save some money 🥳). 

References:,, whatsApp and instagram (at least for some of us 😉)


2nd of Sept, 2024 

Kids are back at school, hhuurraayy! 😁 Petra is about to take her state exam and defend her diploma work and Srinjoyee has finally joined the NKOTB club. This means that we R complete & ready to roll! 🤙Our team-building weekend in the Sumava mountain is drawing near! 🥳 What else? It is hot hot hot!!! 😅 


22th of July, 2024

Kristina’s Tma manu has just been accepted in Communication Biology from the Nature Portfolio publishing group! 🤯🥳 Big congrats and many thanks for your practically independent work 👍👍! With this accomplishment, Kristina's path to her PhD degree is clear and leads in only one direction ... to nail it down soon 💪Fingers crossed! 🤙


15th of July, 2024

Guess what? Nawal, our new PhD student from Lebanon, has joined the lab (and brought us an excellent assortment of baklava and cones of mystical Cedrus libani with a very pleasant scent) and Leos was elected to the EMBO Membership. Most importantly, Terka is organizing a summer barbecue at the end of July before leaving us for her eagerly awaited maternity duties 😁


16th of June, 2024

 We Are the Champions, my Friends! First of all, Peta, Nawal, Srinjoyee and Pragya have successfully passed their PhD admission exams! Hold on to your hats, ladies, the PhD roller coaster is about to get underway. The best of luck! 

Then Dr. Zuzka and Dr. Terka super-successfully defended their PhD theses … biiiig congratulations, dear doctors, and a million thanks for your hard, wonderful work!!! 

And finally, Adri and I finished our first lecture series with the exam of our first students. Our summer semester lecture is called: “Everything you wanted to know about gene expression but were afraid to ask.” The students reportedly enjoyed it a lot, so dear future students, do not hesitate to sign up for it in 2024/5 😊 

Other than that, Zuzka’s NSMB is still … under second re-review … amazing how long it’s taking there…, and Kristina’s revised Comm Biol has just been submitted. Fingers crossed and everyone, hey, enjoy the summer! 🌞


5th of June, 2024

We are very pleased to announce that our new soon-to-be PhD student Pragya joined the lab yesterday morning. This morning, being lost in Prague’s public transport (sitting in a wrong tram), she texted this worrisome SMS to Filip ii. 😵‍💫 … well, only time will tell, if she really “took the wrong team” 😁. Hopefully not! We will definitely do our best to prove her wrong! 😎 


Other than that, Terka and Zuzka will defend their PhD theses in exactly 10 days!🙈 And Peťa, Nawal, Srinjoyee and Pragya (if she stays with us till then 🙂) will be taking the PhD admission exam in 4 days! 🤯 Fingers crossed, ladies!!! 🤞🤞 

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2nd of May, 2024 

This Monday and Tuesday, our lab hosted the COST-Translacore MC Meeting 2024. We heard cool talks from PIs and students from so-called Short-Term Scientific Missions, put on a science & art exhibition organized by Marek Tchorzewski (artists from all over the world were asked to express the mission of Translacore in various graphics – see three examples below, more here:, guided the participants through the Kunraticky Forest to the Hunter’s restaurant to enjoy Svickovou na smetane s knedlikem, etc. We hope all participants had fun 😊 C U next year in Montenegro 😎🙌 

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Btw, we have unofficially learned that our lab has unofficially won the GAČR (Czech Science Foundation) President’s Award 2023 for the best research project in the field of Medical and Biological Sciences. However, since we won it also in 2020 and according to the rules, it cannot be awarded twice to the same lab, the award will go to the next in line and not to us.🤯 Nevertheless, an official letter was sent to us congratulating us on our great achievements, which is very nice and we appreciate it very much.🤙 And last but not least, “summer” is in full force again!🌞 


14th of Apr, 2024 

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome “New Kids on the Block”! In other words, our three new PhD students: Nawal from Lebanon, and Srinjoyee and Pragya from India, who will be joining us in person SOON! We wish them a smooth and enjoyable start to their PhD endeavours. 🙂

Other than that, we had ~two weeks of really hot summer in early April, now we are back to winter – it snowed today. Amazing! Really! What comes next? Better not to ask, I guess... 


7th of Mar, 2024 

Anya's Cell Reports article on ATF4 is in! Hooray :) An incredible amount of work, hopefully balanced by the incredible story that came out of it! 

R U Looking for a PhD or even a post-doc position? Do you play any instrument? Regardless, check this out ;)

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2nd of Feb, 2024 

This ending week marks a visit of our colleagues and friends, Lynne-Maria Postovit from Queen’s University of Ontario and Ivan Topisirovic from McGill, Montreal. They spent 4 days with us, both gave talks at our institute, discussed our projects with everyone, enjoyed Czech meals and beers, a bit of sightseeing and bought a Bohemias 1905 football jersey for Lynne’s son (in fact that’s why they came :)) It was fun! “Thank you both for your openness and common sense attitude in every aspect of life”. It is very rare these days! 


24th of Jan, 2024

Guess what? The new lab web – including our new logo! - is up and running. It still requires a bit of fine-tuning, but the hard work is done! Many thanks to everybody, especially to Filip (the 1 st ) and Terka and her husband Alex! Other than that, Anicka’s eLife is in, Zuzka’s NSMB and Anya’s Cell Rep under re-revision, Kristina’s RNA submission being finalized, 5 more collaborative papers at various stages of the process ... looks like 2024 is going to be a Good Year, Continentally, woo-hoo! We will soon be welcoming our new post-doc, Filip (the 2 nd ) Trcka, and will soon open a new PhD position for the 2024/25 academic year. And finally, the real thrill! British The Vaccines are performing at the Roxy tonight! Cannot wait! C U there 😉 


10th of Dec, 2023

We are happy to announce that we have just hit the road with this brand new website – still a bit under construction but we R getting there! It has been a collaborative creative effort with everyone contributing his/her artistic bit to the mill. Filip, our new post-doc from Slovakia, then put it altogether in this 0 and 1 format. Hope you like it as much as we do (at least some of us :)). Other than that, after clinching our first Nature earlier this year, we have 5 more papers in the pipeline, with Zuzka’s NSMB, which is awaiting our resubmission, likely to cross the finish line first. We also have a new PhD student Adriana Šubrtová from Slovakia, who has joined Adriana Sr. on her T-cell project to create a fail-safe “Adrianas duet” that warrants its 100% success. When both Filip and Adriana Jr. travel home, they always bring back something very tasteful from their country’s finest delicacies! We want more people from countries like this! Finally, this year we’ve also won decent funding for the next five years … OP JAK, a CSF-DFG collaborative grant and a standard CSF grant. So, we are all set to perform our finest tunes. Btw, we got over 30 cm of new snow today. Marvelous, skiing is nearing!!!

Who R we?

We are a medium-sized group (~15 people) of enthusiastic, passionate and hard-working “musicians” from post-docs to undergraduate students with one skillful lab assistant, who are eager to learn more and more every day while having fun at the same time. Our recording studio is based at the Institute of Microbiology (IMIC) of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Prague, Czech Republic.

Our band nicknamed Laboratory of Regulation of Gene Expression  (LRGE) was established in June 2006 and investigates fundamentals of one of the key, life-giving molecular processes in the cell and its regulation at both general as well as gene-specific levels. We R talking about protein synthesis! Simply speaking, our mostly basic research is focused on figuring out how the cell deciphers the genetic code of DNA using relatively simple decoding keys and uses this gene-encoded information to produce proteins, i.e., cellular effectors, through a very complex process also called translation.

Recently, we have become very much interested in various alternatives to these decoding keys, so-called alternative genetic codes, the detailed knowledge of which could be exploited in the treatment of various genetic diseases. In addition, we are interested in understanding how translation is regulated in response to constantly changing environmental conditions that the cell faces and to which it must immediately respond in order to adapt its repertoire of proteins that it is currently producing.

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As for the importance of our research from the socio-economic and medical perspectives, we want to broaden and deepen the general understanding of how these basic cellular processes properly operate in the cell, so that our collaborators who are primarily interested in applied research; i.e., research directly aimed at developing the most appropriate treatment for a particular disease, can feed from it while investigating various pathologies. 

Overall, paying the utmost tribute to our distinguished ancient predecessors, our major goal is to help to transmute lead ( basic research discoveries) into gold (useful therapeutics) with the simplest and finest tones.

Our compositions combine the use of mammalian cells lines and partly also the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae model organism and employ tools of molecular and structural biology, biochemistry and genetics. 

We also very much enjoy participating in numerous popularization gigs (like Open Science, Researcher’s Night, etc.), giving interviews to news and radio, contributing to popularization magazines, etc. 

Our band won “The best original research publication carried out at the Institute of Microbiology CAS Award” (our home institute) in years 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,  2022 and 2023. In February 2016, the international evaluation committee selected our band as one of the 13 most prestigious ones in the entire CAS.

Our recording is (or until recently was) supported by the national and world renowned funding bodies such as the the Wellcome Trust, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, NIH FIC, German Science Foundation, Czech Science Foundation and Czech Academy of Sciences (Praemium Academiae). Altogether, we have produced >80 records with record labels like Nature (see our winning cover page),  Molecular Cell,  Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Nature Protocols, Nucleic Acids Research, Genes & Development, EMBO J., eLife, etc. Music is always composed by LRGE, lyrics usually by LSV.

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The Group

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Leoš Shivaya Valášek 🇨🇿    

Group leader (EMBO member)


5 bullets CV 

  • I have always wanted to be a hockey player or a rock-star, but never a scientist. 
  • So why did I end up becoming a scientist then? Serendipity involving music, indeed, but at the end of the day I'm not complaining 😊 
  • What do I like about science? Freedom of choice (slowly dying these days but still worth fighting for), the quest for truth (very relative, indeed 😊), meeting and interacting with smart and entertaining people (ignoring exceptions 😉), solving puzzles (often unsolvable!), and the eternal discovery of new causal relationships. 
  • I'm not religious in that sense, but I recognize myself in many Buddhist ideas, such as letting things flow and trusting the natural course of our lives, no matter how near or far the sun is shining, if it is shining at all at any given moment. 
  • Personal motto: “Believe nothing, but admit everything”.
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Adriana Roithová 🇨🇿

independent project leader


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Anna Herrmannová 🇨🇿  

research scientist - lab manager


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Mahabub Pasha Mohammad  🇮🇳

research scientist


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Jana Chumová 🇨🇿

research scientist


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Jana Vojtová 🇨🇿

research scientist 


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Vladislava Hronová 🇨🇿

post-doctoral fellow (maternity leave)


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Filip Brázdovič 🇸🇰

post-doctoral fellow


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Filip Trčka 🇨🇿

post-doctoral fellow


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Zuzana Pavlíková 🇸🇰

post-doctoral fellow (maternity leave)


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Terezie Prilepskaja 🇨🇿

post-doctoral fellow (maternity leave)


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Anna Michajlovna Smirnova 🇷🇺

Ph.D. student


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Kristína Jendruchová 🇸🇰

Ph.D. student


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Klára Pospíšilová 🇨🇿

Ph.D. student


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Adriana Šubrtová 🇸🇰

Ph.D. student


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Petra Miletínová 🇨🇿

Ph.D. student


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Nawal Al-Chamy 🇱🇧

Ph.D. student


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Pragya Kamal 🇮🇳

Ph.D. student


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Srinjoyee Pawar 🇮🇳

Ph.D. student


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Olga Staňková 🇨🇿

Lab assistant


  • Betty Bavorová, high school student, CZE
  • Petra Beznosková, bachelor student, PhD student, post-doc, CZE
  • Lucie Cuchalová, PhD student & post-doc, CZE
  • István Dányi, PhD student, HUN
  • Anna Delijannisová, lab tech, CZE
  • Stanislava Gunišová, post-doc, SVK
  • Adam Hlaváček, bachelor student, CZE
  • Zuzana Hovorková, bachelor student, CZE
  • Martina Janošková, PhD student, CZE
  • Olga Janoušková, post-doc, CZE
  • Myrte Jansen, PhD student, NLD
  • Farkas Kerenyi, post-doc, HUN
  • Jan Kosla, PhD student, CZE
  • Tomáš Kouba, PhD student & post-doc, CZE
  • Kristína Koudelová, lab tech, CZE
  • Veronika Kovaničová, lab tech, SVK
  • Michaela Kučerová, master student, CZE
  • Abhijith Makki, PhD student, IND
  • Vanda Munzarová, PhD student & post-doc, CZE
  • Lucie Peclínovská, bachelor student, CZE
  • Kristýna Poncová, PhD student & post-doc, CZE
  • Edit Rutkai, post-doc, HUN
  • Béla Szamecz, post-doc, HUN
  • Petr Šimandl, bachelor student, CZE
  • Darina Širková, master student, SVK
  • Susan Wagner, PhD student & post-doc, GER
  • Monica Yun Liu, Erasmus student, USA
  • Jakub Zeman, PhD student & post-doc, CZE


Top records since we first took the stage.

#co-first authors; *co-corresponding authors; $ lead contact, members of the LRGE lab are underlined
For our complete setlist, please see:
Pubmed Linkedin


  1. Čapková Pavlíková, Z., Miletínová, P., Roithová, A., Pospíšilová, K., Záhonová, K., Kachale, A., Becker, T., Durante, I.M., Lukeš, J., Paris, Z., Beznosková, P., Valášek, L.S.*$ (2025) Ribosomal A-site interactions with near-cognate tRNAs drive stop codon readthrough. Nat Struct Mol Biol., Advance online publication.

  3. Herrmannová, A.*, Jelínek, J., Pospíšilová, K., Kerenyi, F., Vomastek, T., Watt, K., Brábek, J., Mohammad, P.M., Wagner, S., Topisirovic, I., Valášek, L.S.*$ (2024) Perturbations in eIF3 subunit stoichiometry alter expression of riboproteins and key components of the MAPK signaling pathway. eLife, Nov 4;13:RP95846. 

  5. Smirnova, A. M., Hronová, V., Mohammad, M. P., Herrmannová, A., Gunišová, S., Petráčková, D., Halada, P., Coufal, Š., Świrski, M., Rendleman, J., Jendruchová, K., Hatzoglou, M., Beznosková, P., Vogel, C.*, Valášek, L.S.*$ (2024). Stem-loop-induced ribosome queuing in the uORF2/ATF4 overlap fine-tunes stress-induced human ATF4 translational control. Cell reports, 43,(4), 113976.

  7. Kachale, A.#, Pavlíková, Z.#, Nenarokova, A.#, Roithová, A., Durante, I.M., Miletínová, P., Záhonová, K., Nenarokov, S., Votýpka, J., Horáková, E., Ross, L.R., Yurchenko, V., Beznosková, P., Paris, Z*, Valášek, L.S.*$, and Lukeš, J.* (2023) Short tRNA anticodon stem with mutant eRF1 allow stop codon reassignment.  Nature, 613, 751-758.

  9. Wagner, S.#, Bohlen, J.#, Herrmannová, A.#, Jelínek, J., Preiss, T.*, Valášek, L.S.*, and Teleman, A.* (2022) Selective footprinting of 40S and 80S ribosome subpopulations (Sel-TCP-seq) to study translation and its control. Nat Prot., 17,(10), 2139-2187.

  11. Beznosková, P.*, Bidou, L., Namy, O., and Valášek, L.S.*$ (2021) Increased expression of tryptophan and tyrosine tRNAs elevates stop codon readthrough of reporter systems in human cell lines. Nucleic Acids Res., 49, (9), 5202-5215.

  13. Wagner, S.*, Herrmannová, A., Hronová, V., Gunišová, S., Sen, N., Hannan, R.D., Hinnebusch, A.G., Shirokikh, N.E., Preiss, T.*, and Valášek, L.S.*$ (2020) Selective translation complex profiling reveals staged initiation and co-translational assembly of initiation factor complexes. Mol. Cell, 79, (4), 546-560.e7.

  15.  Herrmannová, A.*, Prilepskaja, T., Wagner, S., Šikrová, D., Zeman, J., Poncová, K., and Valášek, L.S.* (2020) Adapted formaldehyde gradient cross-linking protocol implicates human eIF3d and eIF3c, k and l subunits in the 43S and 48S pre-initiation complex assembly, respectively. Nucleic Acids Res., 48, (4), 1969-1984.

  17. Beznosková, P.*, Pavlíková, Z., Zeman, J., Aitken, C.E., and Valášek, L.S.* (2019) Yeast applied readthrough inducing system (YARIS): An in vivo assay for the comprehensive study of translational readthrough. Nucleic Acids Res., 47(12), 6339-6350.

  19. Guan, B-J., van Hoef, V., Jobava, R., Elroy-Stein, O., Valášek, L.S., Cargnello, M., Gao, X-H., Krokowski, D., Merrick, W.C., Kimball, S.R., Komar, A.A., Koromilas, A.E., Wynshaw-Boris, A., Topisirovic, I.*, Larsson, O.*, and Hatzoglou, M.* (2017) A unique ISR program determines cellular responses to chronic stress. Mol Cell, 68 (5), 885-900.

  21. Valášek, L.S.*, Zeman, J., Wagner, S., Beznosková, P., Pavlíková, Z., Mohammad, M.P., Hronová, V., Herrmannová, A., Hashem, Y., and Gunišová, S. (2017) Embraced by eIF3: structural and functional insights into the roles of eIF3 across the translation cycle. Nucleic Acids Res., 45 (19), 10948-10968, Epub 2017 Sep 14.

  23. Mohammad, M.P., Munzarová Pondělíčková, V., Zeman, J., Gunišová, S., and Valášek, L.S.* (2017) In vivo evidence that eIF3 stays bound to ribosomes elongating and terminating on short upstream ORFs to promote reinitiation. Nucleic Acids Res., 45 (5), 2658-2674, Epub 2017 Jan 24.

  25. Wagner, S., Herrmannová, A., Šikrová, D., and Valášek, L.S.* (2016) Human eIF3b and eIF3a serve as the nucleation core to assemble the remaining eIF3 subunits into two interconnected modules – the yeast-like core and the octamer. Nucleic Acids Res., 44 (22), 10772-10788, Epub 2016 Oct 19.

  27. Beznosková, P., Wagner, S., Jansen, M.E., von der Haar, T. and Valášek, L.S.* (2015) Translation initiation factors eIF3 promotes programmed stop codon readthrough. Nucleic Acid Res., 43(10), 5099-111. Epub 2015 April 29.

  29. Beznosková, P.#, Cuchalová, L. #, Wagner, S., Shoemaker, C.J., Gunišová, S., von der Haar, T. and Valášek, L.S.* (2013) Translation initiation factors eIF3 and HCR1 control translation termination and stop codon read-through in yeast cells. PLoS Genet., 9, e1003962.

  31. Valášek, L.S.* (2012) ’Ribozoomin’ – Translation Initiation from the Perspective of the ribosome-bound Eukaryotic Initiation Factors (eIFs). Curr Protein Pept Sci., 13, 305-330.

  33. Kouba, T., Rutkai, E., Karasková, M., and Valášek, L.S.* (2012) The eIF3c/NIP1 PCI Domain Interacts with RNA and RACK1/ASC1 and Promotes Assembly of Translation Pre-initiation Complexes. Nucleic Acids Res., 40(6), 2683-99. Epub 2011 Nov 28.

  35. Herrmannová, A.#, Daujotytė, D.#, Yang, J-C., Cuchalová, L., Gorrec, F., Wagner, S., Dányi, I., Lukavsky, P.J.*, and Valášek, L.S.* (2012) Structural Analysis of an eIF3 Subcomplex Reveals Conserved Interactions Required for a Stable and Proper Translation Pre-Initiation Complex Assembly. Nucleic Acids Res., 40(5), 2294-311. Epub 2011 Nov 15.

  37. Munzarová, V., Pánek, J., Gunišová, S., Danyi, I., Szamecz, B. and Valášek, L.S.* (2011) Translation Reinitiation Relies on the Interaction Between eIF3a/TIF32 and Progressively Folded cis-acting mRNA Elements Preceding Short uORFs. PLoS Genet., 7, e1002137.

  39. Cuchalová, L., Kouba, T., Herrmannová, A., Danyi, I., Chiu, W.-l. and Valášek, L.* (2010) The RNA Recognition Motif of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3g (eIF3g) Is Required for Resumption of Scanning of Posttermination Ribosomes for Reinitiation on GCN4 and Together with eIF3i Stimulates Linear Scanning. Mol Cell Biol., 30, 4671-4686.

  41. Szamecz, B., Rutkai, E., Cuchalová, L., Munzarová, V., Herrmannová, A., Nielsen, K.H., Burela, L., Hinnebusch, A.G., and Valášek, L.* (2008) eIF3a cooperates with sequences 5' of uORF1 to promote resumption of scanning by post-termination ribosomes for reinitiation on GCN4 mRNA. Genes & Dev., 22, 2414-2425.



Laboratory of Regulation of Gene Expression

Institute of Microbiology, AS CR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083, Prague 4, 142 20
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 241 062 288 (2483)
Cell: +420 724 731 661

How to reach us

Take C-line metro to the station „Kačerov“.
Get on the bus 138 to the final station "Ústavy akademie věd".
We are in the Bldg. L, second floor, lab #128.

Cool music

Comming soon 
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created by DALL·E 3


Guess the song:

Pa papa pa papapapa pa, pa papa pa papapapa pa, pa pa papapapapa pa, papapapapa pa... what is it? :o) 



 Guess the songs:



☀️🏖️ 6️⃣9️⃣ 

☔ 👨🌧️👨