
The Tenth International Neural Coding Workshop will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, in the first week of September 2012 (2-7, September, 2012), organized by

and local organising agency CONFORG, Ltd.

As in the previous workshops in Prague (1995), Versailles (1997), Osaka (1999), Plymouth (2001), Aulla (2003), Marburg (2005), Montevideo (2007), Tainan (2009) and Limassol (2010), this will be a single track multi-disciplinary event bringing together experimental and computational neuroscientists. Attendees of the workshop should be prepared to cross the borders of their own disciplines. Ample time will be left for informal discussions in a convivial atmosphere. Various social events will be integrated into the workshop. Further information will be posted on this website.

Petr Lansky, Jean-Pierre Rospars, Chris Christodoulou, Lubomir Kostal
(on behalf of the organizers)

Conference contact:

Petr Lansky
Institute of Physiology
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic
Phone: +420-241 062 585
FAX: +420-241 062 488