MSc. Gilberto da Silva Coelho Junior, Ph.D.
(+420) 296 442 487
- 2018-2022 Ph.D.: Graduated (Analytical Chemistry), Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. Ph.D. thesis: Development of dielectric barrier discharge devices as concomitant sources of mercury volatilization and atomization for spectrometric analysis.
- 2016-2018 MSc.: Graduated (Analytical Chemistry), Centro de Ciências Químicas, Farmacêuticas e de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Master thesis: Development of methods for halogens and sulfur determination in edible mushrooms.
- 2012-2016 BSc.: Graduated (Chemistry), Centro de Ciências Químicas, Farmacêuticas e de Alimentos, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Bachelor thesis: Determination of halogens and sulfur in eggshells using ion chromatography after analytes volatilization by microwave-induced combustion.
- Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) – Optimization and application as a concomitant source of volatilization and atomization.
- Analytical instrumentation – Development of DBD devices for trace analysis.
- Mercury and Arsenic species determination.
- 2019: Best Oral Presentation, Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC, 15º Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, Mendoza, Argentina.
- 2016: Work selected as a highlight in the area of Exact and Earth Sciences, XVIII Encontro de Pós-Graduação, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Brazil.
- COELHO JUNIOR G.S., BORGES D.L.G., SVOBODA M., DĚDINA J., KRATZER J.: Plasma-mediated vapor generation of mercury species in a dielectric barrier discharge: Direct analysis in a single drop by atomic absorption spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 200 (2022). DOI 10.1016/106596
- MARIM R.G., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., AZEVEDO P.C.C., BORGES D.L.G., MARANHAO T.A., OLIVIERA F.J.S., BASCUNAN V.L.A.F., CHAVES E.S.: Assessment of Chlorine, Fluorine, and Sulfur Concentrations in Depth Profile of Drill Cuttings from Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration Wells. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2022. DOI 10.21577/20220118
- COELHO JUNIOR G.S., FONTANA B.K., MARANHAO T.A., BORGES D.L.G.: Dielectric barrier discharge-assisted determination of methylmercury in particulate matter by atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 14 (2022) 1371-1377. DOI: 10.1039/D1AY02048J
- ENDERS M.S.P., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., PIRES L.Z., BORGES D.L.G.: Silicon determination via a SiO rotational line using high-resolution graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry: A straightforward approach for the analysis of solid samples prepared as suspensions. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 183 (2021) 106266.
- COELHO JUNIOR G.S., RONDAN F.S., HARTWIG C.A., SANTOS R.F., MELLO P.A., MESKO M.F.: Determination of halogens by ion chromatography in edible mushrooms after microwave-induced combustion for sample preparation. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2021 (2021) 1-9.
- NOVO D.L.R., SCAGLIONI P.T., PEREIRA R.M., RONDAN F.S., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., MESKO M.F.: Advances in sample digestion using microwave-ultraviolet radiations: phosphorus and sulfur determination in animal feed. Current Analytical Chemistry, 17 (2021) 512-520.
- DE MELLO J.E., NOVO D.L.R., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., SCAGLIONI P.T., MESKO M.F.: A green analytical method for the multielemental determination of halogens and sulfur in pet food. Food Analytical Methods, 13 (2020) 131-139.
- MESKO M.F., TORALLES I.G., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., RONDAN F.S., COSTA V.C., HARTWIG C.A., SCAGLIONI P.T.: Ion chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry as a powerful technique for halogens and sulfur determination in egg powder and its fractions. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34 (2020) 1-8.
- RONDAN F.S., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., PEREIRA R.M., HENN A.S., MULLER E.I., MESKO M.F.: A versatile green analytical method for determining chlorine and sulfur in cereals and legumes. Food Chemistry, 285 (2019) 334-339.
- TORALLES I.G., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., COSTA V.C., CRUZ S.M., FLORES E.M.M., MESKO M.F.: A fast and feasible method for Br and I determination in whole egg powder and its fractions by ICP-MS. Food Chemistry, 221 (2017) 877-883.
- COELHO JUNIOR G.S., PEREIRA R.M., HARTWIG C.A., TORALLES I.G., PEREIRA C.M.P., COSTA V.C., MESKO M.F.: Determination of Cl and S in edible seaweed by ion chromatography after decomposition by microwave-induced combustion. Revista Virtual De Química, 9 (2017) 492-501.
- MESKO M.F., TORALLES I.G., HARTWIG C.A., COELHO JUNIOR G.S., MULLER A.L.H., BIZZI C.A., MELLO P.A.: Bromine and iodine contents in raw and cooked shrimp and its parts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64 (2016) 1817-1822.