On-demand trace element and speciation analyses
The TEA department offers collaborative research in developing optimum measurement techniques for trace-elemental and speciation analysis and providing the state-of-the-art capabilities in the analytical services according to demands of other research groups. We employ ICP-MS and ICP-MS/MS as well as AAS instrumentation. Selected projects and co-operations since 2015 are summarized below. The co-operations included teams within the Biomedical campus of CAS in Prague – Krč and other CAS institutes, a team within IAC as well as universities. The subjects included very diverse fields and analysis of bioelements as well as different toxic species.
✴ Determination of metals for study of toxicity of biofuel particulate emissions
👉 TEA provided ICP-MS analyses of metals in samples of simulated lung fluids in order to assess the bioaccessible fraction of metals in atmospheric aerosol, an important issue with respect to air pollution in the urban environment. Also, for a study \
comparing emissions from conventional fuels and alternative biofuels, the total contents of 11 metals were determined by ICP-MS in mineralized samples of engine emissions, fuels, and lubricating oils.
Partner: ENV department of the IAC
Related papers:
- COUFALÍK P., MATOUŠEK T, KŘŮMAL K., VOJTÍŠEK-LOM M., BERÁNEK,V., MIKUŠKA P.: Content of metals in emissions from gasoline, diesel, and alternative mixed biofuels. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26 (2019), 29012-29019.
- COUFALÍK P., MIKUŠKA P., MATOUŠEK T., VEČEŘA Z.: Determination of the bioaccessible fraction of metals in urban aerosol using simulated lung fluids. Atmospheric Environment 140 (2016) 469-475.
✴ Analysis of metals in cells and yeast: Cooperations with the biologically -oriented teams on the Krč campus
👉 TEA provided the ICP-MS data for quantification of the levels of intracellular potassium ions in cell lysates, in a research elucidating mechanism of actions of Adenylate cyclase toxin-hemolysin of the whooping cough agent Bordetella
pertussis which penetrates cell membrane.
Partner: Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogenes
Related papers:
- WALD T., OSICKOVA A., MASIN J., LISKOVA P. M., PETRY-PODGORSKA I., MATOUSEK T., SEBO P., OSICKA R.: Transmembrane segments of complement receptor 3 do not participate in cytotoxic activities but determine receptor structure required for action of Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin. Pathogens and Disease, 74, 2016, ftw008.
- MASIN, J.,OSICKOVA, A.,SUKOVA, A.,. FISER, R., HALADA, P., BUMBA, L., LINHARTOVA, I.,OSICKA, R., SEBO, P .:Negatively charged residues of the segment linking the enzyme and cytolysin moieties restrict the membrane-permeabilizing capacity of adenylate cyclase toxin. SCIENTIFIC 6, 2016, 29137.
👉 In a separate project, TEA analysed Mn, Fe, Mg, and Zn in cell lysates by ICP-MS/MS for a study of Bordetella pertussis metal transporters.
Partner: Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, Laboratory of Post-Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression
👉The contents of rubidium and potassium in samples of yeast extracts we analyzed by ICP-MS. The aim of this research was to characterize transport properties of K+ transporters and to clarify their regulation at the level of biogenesis
[Analyses were acknowledged in 2 research papers].
Partner: Institute of Physiology of the CAS, Laboratory of membrane transport
Related papers:
- LLOPIS-TORREGROSA V., HUŠEKOVÁ B., SYCHROVÁ H. Potassium uptake mediated by Trk1 is crucial for Candida glabrata growth and fitness. PLoS ONE 11(4) (2016) e0153374.
- ZIMMERMANNOVÁ O, FELCMANOVÁ K., ROSAS-SANTIAGO P., PAPOUŠKOVÁ K., PANTOJA O., SYCHROVÁ H.: Erv14 cargo receptor participates in regulation of plasma-membrane potential, intracellular pH and potassium homeostasis via its interaction with K+-specific transporters Trk1 and Tok1. BBA - Molecular Cell Research 1866 (2019) 1376–1388
👉 TEA was invited to determine intracellular Li concentrations in HEK293 and Jurkat cells cell samples and blood and plasma of rats for studies dealing with mechanism of Li treatment of patients with bipolar disorder.
Partner: Institute of Physiology of the CAS, Department of Biomathematics
Related papers:
- VOSAHLIKOVA M., ROUBALOVA L., CECHOVA K., KAUFMAN J., MUSIL S., MIKSIK I., ALDA M., SVOBODA P.: Na+/K+-ATPase and lipid peroxidation in forebrain cortex and hippocampus of sleep-deprived rats treated with therapeutic lithium concentration for different periods of time. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 102 (2020), 109953.
- VOSAHLIKOVA M., ROUBALOVA L., UJCIKOVA H., HLOUSKOVA M., MUSIL S., ALDA M., SVOBODA P.: Na+/K+-ATPase level and products of lipid peroxidation in live cells treated with therapeutic lithium for different periods in time (1, 7, and 28 days); studies of Jurkat and HEK293 cells. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 392 (2019), 785–799.
- VOSAHLIKOVA M., UJCIKOVA H., HLOUSKOVA M., MUSIL S., ROUBALOVA L., ALDA M., SVOBODA P.: Induction of oxidative stress by long-term treatment of live HEK293 cells with therapeutic concentration of lithium is associated with down-regulation of δ-opioid receptor amount and function. Biochemical Pharmacology, 154 (2018), 452–463.
✴ Trace element analysis for nanochemistry
👉 TEA provided ICP-MS and ICP-MS/MS analyses of gadolinium and iron released from nanodiamonds upon change of experimental conditions. The project focused on development of hybrid nanoscale sensors that can be adjusted to directly monitor physiological species by attaching paramagnetic gadolinium complexes to nanodiamonds with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres through surface engineering. Recently this cooperation has continued by analysis of samples for studies of of Gd3+ binding to ferritin, related to application of Gd complexes as contrast agents on MRI and mechanism of their deposition in brain.
Trace metal measurements served also for another project, focused on development of fluorescent nanodiamonds as an attractive probe for nanoscale cellular imaging and quantum sensing diamond optical nanosensors.
Partner: Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS, Synthetic Nanochemistry group
Related papers:
- RENDLER, T.,NEBURKOVA J., ZEMEK O., KOTEK J., ZAPPE A., CHU Z.Q., CIGLER P., WRACHTRUP J.: Optical imaging of localized chemical events using programmable diamond quantum nanosensors. Nat. Commun. 8 (2017) 14701
👉 TEA participated in a study dealing with urban heavy metal pollution and provided ICP-MS determination of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb and As) in dried blood samples of great tits (Parus major). The concentrations were used to search for links
to health-related traits in sub-urban free-living great tit (Parus major) population monitored over a long period of time.
Partner: Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology
Related papers:
- BAUEROVÁ P., KRAJZINGROVÁ T., TĚŠICKÝ M., VELOVÁ H., HRANÍČEK J., MUSIL S., SVOBODOVÁ J., ALBRECHT T., VINKLER M.: Longitudinally monitored lifetime changes in blood heavy metal concentrations and their health effects in urban birds. Science of The Total Environment, 723 (2020), 138002.