Web design by Martin Kostovcik, 2010
Miroslav Kolařík, PhD
Miroslav Flieger, PhD
Eva Stodůlková, Dr
Vít Hubka, MSc
PhD student
Celie Korittová, Bc
Martin Kostovčík, Msc
PhD student
Zuzana Dudová, MSc
PhD student
Tereza Tylová, Msc
Tereza Veselská, MSc
PhD student
Milada Chudíčková, Dr
Adéla Čmoková, Bc
MSc. student
Tomáš Řezanka, PhD
Former members
Sylvie Pažoutová, PhD
Paula García Fraile, PhD
Alena Gabrielová
Anna Fabryová, MSc
PhD student
Alena Nováková, PhD
Kamila Pešicová, MSc
PhD student
Franta Sklenář, MSc
PhD student
Tomáš Zelenka, MSc
PhD student
Research staff
Head of laboratory
Zdeněk Kameník, PhD
Martin Kostovčík, MSc
I’m interested in all aspects of symbiotic relationships among microbiota and insects. My research scope is focused particularly on symbioses between bark beetles and fungi. I’m interested in coevolutionary history of insect partner and its fungal community, its echoes in population genetic structure of symbiotic associates and ecology of microbial communities. To study these questions I’m using cultivation techniques as well as range of high-througput sequencing techniques capable to recover more conclusively diversity of microbial symbionts converging frequently in their morphology due to restrictive conditions in given niche impeding their identification. To draw any ecologically relevant conclusions about our subjects from huge amount of data provided by high-throughput sequencing technologies and extensive sampling schemes my interests cover also advanced statistical calculations. I’m avid phylogeneticist and I’m involved in several fungal phylogenetics studies. My research projects also include studying population genetics and phylogeography of genus Geosmithia, fungus closely associated with bark beetles with a range of ecological functions which is in focus of our lab for more than decade.
fungal genetics and metabolism